Wednesday, January 26, 2011


The 235 changed it's route so now it doesn't drop me off as near to my house, on account of them ripping up the street to put new pipe in.  My cousin say's I shouldn't walk where they're digging. He say's that our whole street was built over a graveyard and that when they built the houses they didn't move the bodies, just the gravestones. My cousin say's that if I walk too close to where they're digging, all those dead people will come back to life and try to eat my brain. Somebody at school said I didn't have a brain. I thought it was a mean thing to say, but now it might be ok. Yesterday I was walking by the hole they were digging and I saw a man covered in dirt with a yellow helmet climbing out of the hole. It was one of those dead people! I screamed and told him I didn't have a brain and so he would just have die and stay in the ground. Then I ran away.. From now on I'm taking the 242 and I'll just cut through my neighbor’s back yard.

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